Clifford St in Pittsfield
Click on a property below to view additional details.
Single Family Residential owned by KAHN NANCY C - 14 CLIFFORD ST
Other, Non-Taxable Condominium Common Land owned by THE WEAVER HILL TOWNHOUSE ASSOCIATION - 14 CLIFFORD ST
Residential Condominium owned by ROACH GEORGE E JR - 14 CLIFFORD ST
Residential Condominium owned by LAUGHRAN RICHARD D - 14 CLIFFORD ST
Residential Condominium owned by COELHO MICHAEL ANDREW - 14 CLIFFORD ST
Residential Condominium owned by THORESEN JESSICA D - 14 CLIFFORD ST
Residential Condominium owned by OLSEN LAUREN - 14 CLIFFORD ST
Residential Condominium owned by DUCLOSE ARTHUR E/O - 14 CLIFFORD ST
Residential Condominium owned by QUINN ASHLEE C - 14 CLIFFORD ST
Residential Condominium owned by BODNAR AMY C - 19 CLIFFORD ST
Apartments With Four To Eight Units owned by BREWELL PARTNERS LLC - 8 CLIFFORD ST
Single Family Residential owned by CLIFFORD ST NOMINEE TRUST - CLIFFORD ST
Developable Residential Land owned by WEAVER HILL TOWNHOUSES ASSOCIATION